Proceeding on Autopilot

For those of you wondering just where we’ve disappeared lately, we’ve all been somewhat occupied with other things. XPJ is proceeding on autopilot at the moment, but the three of us do find it to be a nice stress reliever, so keep your eyes peeled for more from us in the coming weeks. As far as specifics, here’s what’s going on:

Dhruv: I’ve just started a new job as a ramp/customer service agent for Northwest Airlink at KRST, and we’re drastically understaffed at the moment, meaning that I’ve basically been thrown into the fire. I don’t mind it because it gives me the chance to be around planes all day, every day :P . That being said, I’m still working on the 777 panel and a few other things as we start to wrap that bird up, and I’m sure I’ll have stuff to show soon.

Reuben: It’s been a while since I shared progress with you, but I have been working virtually flat out and have been getting on with my CPL. Since the last post, we have animated most of the Cessna, with just some of the trickier bits left to do, and I’ve also started building a new .acf file from scratch. This one should be far nicer than the rudimentary one I have at the moment! Thanks to Alex, I’ve learned to animate, in both the correct fashion, and incorrect :P . And boy, does it look good! After the animation and .acf is finished, all that will be left is an interior and panel, after that, we’re away! Still, this could take weeks upon weeks, so hold tight, and we’ll get this bird to you eventually.

Alex: I’ve been increasingly busy with school. Going to New York for the College Art Association conference didn’t help…being away from art school for a week will kill you :P . I’ll post some pics from KEWR and from the trip later one. We’ve also had a bit of a family crisis here. My younger brother checked into a rehab center today trying to fight his severe depression, so things have been quite scattered. We don’t know how long he’ll be in, but it does change the dynamic over here at home. Anyway, I’m not sure how active I will be in regards to development over the next few weeks, but I’ll be trying to push things forward.

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