“Bring Out Your Dead!”

And in the words of John Cleese, “She turned me into a newt! I got better.”

Monty Python references aside, it has become painfully clear that there is grumbling and murmuring going on out there in the XPJ blogosphere. We’ve been getting emails and obviously posts to the tune of, ‘are you guys dead?’ ‘Is the project dead?’ Allow me to fill in some holes for you.

First and foremost, we’re not dead. I checked my pulse this morning before I went to class just to make sure. Much disappointment was to be had when I realized that I had no real excuse not to get out of bed. Joking aside, the project is very much alive as well. There are lots of exiting things happening behind the scenes in Sven’s little computer programming universe that I still can’t even begin to fathom. We’ve got the beginnings of an integrated FMC and autopilot/flight director system taking shape along with the 777s fly-by-wire logic. The autopilot is a work in progress. The majority of the displays and vector graphics have been worked out to a high degree with a few odds and ends here and there still needing patching up. Underlying system logic and relationships are always being worked on. Bottom line is, the plugin is getting very exciting. I’ll leave it to Sven to spell out the particulars later on.

As for Dhruv, he has been working with Sven on deciphering the particulars of the system logic. He’s also busy preparing for flight instructing. If he wants to leave a few words about that, I’ll leave it to him as well.

And me, well, I have moved out of Wyoming and am going to school for a BFA in ceramic arts at Utah State University. My work on the 777 isn’t critical at this point. Much like Javier has branched off while waiting for the CRJ-200 plugin to be completed, we’re doing the same for the time being. Dhruv and I have a trio of projects for a client that we’re finishing up and we’d like to push something small out the door over the holidays. Lets face it, we’ve all got rent to pay.

Long story short (with many more facets to it than I care to go into), we’re still very busy and simply haven’t had the time to contribute to the blog when there honestly  isn’t anything tactile to show for it. We are still here though, and will be until you hear otherwise. Just keep us in your RSS feed and when there is something new worth showing, you’ll know about it when we do.

We’re not going into that handcart just yet. We are feeling better. We’re feeling happy. And yes, comedic timing tells us when to duck avoiding getting knocked out over the head with a blunt object.

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